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BCGame_Maxim last won the day on September 29

BCGame_Maxim had the most liked content!

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  1. I highly recommend original bc events, events with attractive prizes and event organizers are also very professional. However, I don't appreciate the $5,000 original bc 110# event:

    + Firstly, the purpose of these events is to create a playground to attract players with low vip from level 4 to high vip. Therefore, the game rules should not be too difficult for players: payout from 20 to 30x.

    1. BCGame_Maure


      Current event is designed to drain pockets. This 2 has been the same as previous challenges nothing new which they found out to be profitable to BC not to players as many tried to join but failed to submit since it eats up all balance.

    2. BCGame_Maxim


      Hey @BCGame_Maure, @Clmm

      We host exclusive VIP events tailored to your preferences. If an event isn't quite your style, please wait for our upcoming offerings.

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